It’s exam time!

We all know exam period can be very stressful on our children. If you are a parent and wondering how you can support your child to get through this period, here are simple tips to help you.

  1. Let them know they have your support

Show your children that you believe in them and that they have your support. This will boost their confidence and encourage them to do well on their exams

  • Ensure they have stationary

There is nothing worse than not having the stationary you need in order to study or undertake your exam. So, check and ensure that your child has the necessary study material and stationary, to avoid them having to borrow from others.

  • Provide a suitable environment for study

I’m not suggesting that you turn your house into a library with silence rules, however you need to make sure that disruptive noise and younger siblings are of the way. You can organize playdates, taking them to grandparents, or take them for a treat while the older one is left to focus on studying.

  • Make sure they eat well and cook nutritious food

Even if they normally skip breakfast, make sure they make time to eat. The brain needs the energy from food to work efficiently. Cook vegetables and make have fruits readily available in the house.   

  • House chores

This is not the time to be asking your children to cook and do dishes or clean the house. Temporarily relieve your children of time-consuming family responsibilities. This is the time to allow them to focus all their energy on studying and ensuring they pass their exams with good grades.

  • Encourage walks and exercise

Exam time doesn’t mean one needs to be glued on the books. Encourage your children to take time after studying to wind down – exercise, go for a walk, this will help them to clear their minds.

  • Avoid getting into conflict

Don’t sweat over small stuff. Consider this time as an amnesty on issues that would typically cause friction.

  • Ensure they get enough sleep

Many students get into the habit of studying late into the night before the exam, hoping to cram in a little more information into their already exhausted brains. To function at their best on exam day, they need not only the energy that comes from healthy nutrition, but also the energy that comes from adequate, restful sleep. So, encourage them to stop studying in the early evening on the night before the exam.

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