By: Nonkcubeko Mkwalo

The Department of International Relations and Cooperation declared October as Mental Health Awareness Month. This is important because it teaches the public about mental health to help reduce the ongoing discrimination and stigma- which people who suffer from mental health illnesses are subjected to. This month provides another timely reminder that mental health is something sensitive and essential, and that those living with mental health issues deserve understanding, love, care, compassion and assistance with their pathway to recovery and fulfillment.

Types of mental issues and illnesses

It is imperative to have knowledge and be informed about the different types of mental issues and illnesses that are most common and likely to cause more damage if not attended to. Below is a list of some mental issues and illnesses discussed by scholar Nisha Dogra, which people often experience sometimes with or without their knowledge:

Anxiety- This condition tends to make people respond to certain situations with fear, panic and nervousness. It is usually accompanied with physical factors such as sweating and a pounding heart, as it also makes it difficult to control your responses to certain situations.

Depression- This is a mood disorder which is usually characterized by lowered moods, reduced energy, loss of interest and enjoyment. Symptoms of depression usually vary, as they can also lead the victim to increased risks of suicidal thoughts and behaviours.

Paranoia- This disorder is accompanied by irrational and persistent feelings that make one believe that people are ‘out to get you’. Paranoia can also be a symptom of different conditions including delusional disorder, personality disorder and schizophrenia.

Eating Disorders- This disorder can be characterized by severe disturbances in eating behaviours and related emotions and thoughts. People who suffer from this disorder tend to develop an unhealthy, preoccupation with food and body weight, size and shape.

Bipolar- This condition causes extreme mood swings which include emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression). This is when you experience being sad, hopeless and loss of interest in some activities, then your mood shifts to feeling euphoric

Ways to help you take care of your mental health

Taking care of your mental health doesn’t always mean you have to seek medical attention, because it all begins with how you take care of yourself. These are simple practical ways to help you maintain your mental health, and improve your way of life:

Keep active- Ensuring that you exercise regularly does help boost the self-esteem, while it also assists in concentration and sleep. This helps keep your brain and other organs healthy, which becomes beneficial to your mental health.

Talk about your feelings- Although this may make an individual feel weak, it is very important to practice being transparent about your feelings. Talking helps you cope with your problems, as you manage to confront the situation instead of bottling it up.

Take a break- It’s advisable to take a breather every time you feel overwhelmed. This can help you de-stress and keep you calm. A change of scenery or pace, and doing something you enjoy even if it’s for a few minutes can be good for your mental health.

Keep in touch- There’s absolutely nothing better than catching up with your loved ones, to help keep you sane. Communicating and catching up with the people you care about is also good practice to help you maintain your mental health. This plays a reminder that you are surrounded by love, and people who care about you.

Ask for help- We are all human, and we all get tired and overwhelmed sometimes when things don’t go as planned.  Asking for help when things seem too much is one way to care of your mental health, as people might have a listening ear or practical solutions to offer.

Your mental health is something very important and essential to living a good life. So this October, it’s imperative to put yourself first and take care of yours.

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